Mama hen with a baby chick

Mama hen with a baby chick

I love this photo and had to share.

One of the best things about keeping Cochins is they really enjoy being mothers.  When they are broody, they will easily accept foster chicks or will hatch fertile eggs.  Harley adopted a few feed store Buff Orpingtons and Penguin sat on 3 Trader Joes eggs and hatched out a leghorn pullet.   The mothers insured the babies were safely integrated into the flock and protected them.    I am a softy for chicks and love having some around all the time; Cochins give me an excuse to have chicks more than just once every year or two.   Anytime one goes broody, I will probably consider letting them have some baby chicks if the timing works for our family.  The only hard part of letting the hens raise chicks is I prefer to keep only 5 or 6 adults; picking my favorite hens or downsizing is always hard.

3 thoughts on “Mama hen with a baby chick

  1. I saw some of your pictures posted on a BYC thread and they are beautiful! I have a web site that sends out humorous chicken picture with work related captions. Recently I have been using some guest pictures and there were a couple of yours that I would love to use. I always give a credit for the pictures but I was thinking in your case I would give credit to your blog. I Love your blog! It is so well done, beautiful pictures and interesting, bravo! Anyway if you could check out my site and see if it was something you would be interested it. I have hundreds of subscribers who receive the daily pictures each workday and many more who go to the site daily to see the new days pic. I was looking for a picture that wouldn’t come out until April for “Take your daughter to work day” and I thought the “My Partridge Cochin with one of her foster chicks peeking out from mama’s fluffy feathers” would be perfect for that. I also have an idea for “Lady Cluck, sitting at the edge of her open pen, contemplating if it is warm enough to take the kids out for a stroll in the sun.” Of course there are many other cute ones but I have never used any with baby chicks before and those two could be a good start.


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