Vintage Vinyl Upholstery at Discount Fabric Store
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Although I would love to live out in the boonies on a few acres or at least far away from all the L.A. traffic, there are times I am thankful to live in this sprawling metropolis full of great vintage resources. I wandered into M & L Fabric to find a simple vinyl upholstery to match my 1949 golden yellow linen Formica dinette table and chairs. Back in the days when I used to make a lot of costumes, I frequented M & L fabrics on a regular basis, but I had not been in there in years. This place is amazing with a giant warehouse-sized store with both discount, discontinued, and new fabrics, including a large selection of interesting upholstery and vinyl, like Naugahyde. The best part is I was able to find retro upholstery fabric remanents and newer rolls of 1950s and 1960s vinyl looks. Most of it is marine vinyl upholstery that is easy to wipe clean and used for reupholstering retro dinette chairs and booths.

At the time of this post, they don’t do orders online, but if you are in the L.A. Orange County area, it is worth stopping by. However, their inventory constantly changes, and what is in there one week, might be gone the next. On my most recent trip in there, the coolest items I found in the vinyl section in the back room were a couple dozen almost full rolls of sparkle vinyl, perfect for recovering chairs for a 1950’s diner table, especially for anyone looking for a substitute for cracked Ice vinyl or looking to find retro upholstery fabric. All the rolls were under $14 a yd. They also had some neat mid-century modern patterns and 1960’s looking types of vinyl that had roses, leaves, or swirly patterns. Most of the mid-century types of vinyl were either gold, burgundy, copper, or silver. I took pictures of all the ones I liked, but they had many more weird and wild ones to look at and plain shades of blue, green, beige, yellow, red, and brown. This is the place I bought the yellow and dark red vinyl Naugahyde to recover the chairs for my 1949 Howell dinette set. I was unable to get enough from either the red or the yellow vinyl remnants that I liked for my 1950s dinette chairs, but between the two, I made do. The 1950s dining table and chairs are done.
While I was in there I also browsed through all the quilting and home decor fabrics. They had a few that had retro designs, but I already bought a vintage kitchen fabric off eBay last month.

If you live local, the store is located at: M & L Discount Fabrics 3430 West Ball Road, Anaheim, CA 92804. 714-995-3178. If you are out of the area, check eBay or Amazon for similar marine fabric that could work good for a diy recovering of vintage diner chairs.
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20 thoughts on “Vintage Vinyl Upholstery at Discount Fabric Store”
I am trying to order a yard of sparkling yellow and red sparkling…need a yard of each plz contact me at 623 ***-**** my name is Rita please contact me r via text as soon as possible please and thank you please as soon…. please
Hi Rita,
Sorry, but my post was about a local store that I buy fabric at. I don’t not sell anything or currently advertise anything for anyone else. I understand your frustration with trying to find vintage fabric, that’s why I posted a resource I found locally. I removed the phone number that you shared in the comment section of my blog. The comments section is public viewible. I generally delete personally identifiable info accidentally left, especially phone numbers.
Looking for vintage 60’s & 70’s glitter vinyl in orange and yellow to recover my Banana seat on a Schwinn bike. Any leads would be helpful. Newer vinyl just not the same. Thanks
Hi everyone
I picked up a dozen rolls of authentic vintage Naugahyde today. Green, yellow, textured orange, light brown, dark brown, tan, purple Best of all textured orange!! all of it is on rolls
Best way to contact me is by text 330-858-4854 I am in Ohio and will ship anywhere in the world
Hello, I have just “inherited” my parents first dining table from 1954-55. It is in the cracked ice green. The table is in immaculate condition, however the chairs could use some recovering. Would you have the vinyl in stock? and would I be able to purchase a sample? I would appreciate any help in locating this vinyl if you are unable to help me. thank You, Jan from Louisiana
Hi there,
I have an orange sparkle vinyl kitchen chair that needs the seat redone…it cracked. Could I send you a photo and you can tell me how close the colour is to yours?
Thank you,
I’m searching for cracked ice final also Green would be my first choice.
Hello, Do you have or do you know where to find Green Cracked Ice Vinyl. We have one dinette chair that needs the seat replaced. thank you. Leslie Williamson
No, I am sorry Leslie. I haven’t seen any vintage green cracked ice vinyl for sale anywhere locally recently, but I haven’t looked online either.
Lianne, I was wondering if you have a closer photo of your Yellow Linen Howell table . I believe I have a table of the same pattern, its a golden yellow with a black ” thread like” pattern, It belonged to my grandmother, I’d like to get my chairs reupholstered but would like very much to match the pattern. Do you know if this is possible ? Could you possibly post a close up picture of the pattern of your table ? I’d love to see if it matches. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Denise F – Cleveland, OH
Do you know who sells the green ice vinyl and lamanate and the red ice vinyl and lamanate? Looking for fairly inexpensive as I am trying to get into restoration as a hobby with pocket change. Thanks,
The places that make new retro style dinettes, booths, and chairs might sell it, but I really doubt you will find it very inexpensively.
The cheapest I have come across is $17 per yard for cracked ice vinyl, and I never found it in green, only yellow, grey, or red. I posted about the local place by me because they did have some good deals, they had old close out vinyls and leftovers, and at great prices. However, Every time I go in the stock is different and not all material is in giant rolls for big projects. I did get some nice red vinyl to redo my vintage booster/ step stool. Since I only needed less than a yard, it was perfect.
how disappointing that you show no boomerang vinyl
Do you have a vintage blue cracked ice vinyl?
No, I don’t sell blue cracked ice vinyl. I looked around for it myself in my search for where to find an older vintage 1950’s table for my retro kitchen. I ended up reupholstering my dinette set chairs with plain candy apple red and saffron yellow vinyl.
Would you have (or know a source) for yellow/chartreuse 1960 retro vinyl
We have a a chair to recover.
The fabric store I mentioned in the post is the only place I have seen a lot different old vinyls. However, their stock fluctuates and everytime I go in there something cool is no longer available and other stuff is there.
There is another vintage fabric place in Gardena, United Fabric, but it was much harder to see all the fabrics. United Fabric is at 15205 S Main St Gardena (800) 432-2742. They have tiny samples in a little office on boards. The prices were also seemed really high, so I didn’t stay to peruse their stock as much.
You are so generous with your information! You are writing a book, right?
Your photo shows M & L, your text says M & M….
Thank you!
Tee Hee! I must have been craving chocolate as I typed. Thanks for pointing that out. I fixed it.