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Category: Chickens

Hatching Joey, the Trader Joe’s Chicken

Hatching Joey, the Trader Joe’s Chicken

We ordered our first baby chicks (only pullets) from a hatchery.  However, my 8 year old daughter wanted to see them hatch from eggs.  We live in the city and no one that keeps hens has fertile eggs around here.  We had to come up with an alternative, so we turned to the natural grocery stores that carried ” Fertile ” eggs for eating.She loves to create all sorts of stuff so she built an incubator with my help on…

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The Cost of Buying Chickens around L.A.

The Cost of Buying Chickens around L.A.

I have observed the average cost to purchase chickens in the urban parts of Los Angeles County and suburban Orange County is higher than other areas, especially compared to what is reported in other parts of the county.  When I look around further inland on BYC or craigslist toward Lancaster, Riverside, or San Bernadino, the costs generally decrease slightly.  On the flip side, there seems to be more free roosters listed around here, since most folks can’t keep them.  Check…

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Brooding our Little Flock of Chicks

Brooding our Little Flock of Chicks

Brooding Our Little Flock My family and I are suburban backyard chicken keepers that can only have a few hens at time.  We do not plan to be hatching chicks frequently throughout the year, so we needed something cheap and easy to brood our chicks in.  I looked around for anything that could be either recycled, re-purposed, or collapsible.  There really aren’t any construction photos of my brooder set ups, since it was mainly a matter of getting the things…

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